Tuesday, January 22, 2008

wise servants - II

continuation of wise servants
We started discussing about the morning theft in mails. It was like a detective story. Here is the gist of the discussion:

* Was there a possiblity of any one being hidden inside house the previous night itself?
* The cook brings one more assistant to our house. We were not sure whether both left the house.
* The kitchen has a 'paran' in which we have dumped old clothes - nice place to hide.
* when the cook left, his partner might not have left and stayed in the 'paran' till midnight. In midnight, he came down, looted everything and silently went out.
* My purse was on the shelf, which could not be seen easily unless otherwise noted previously. The cook could be the informer.
* The cook has been asking for hike for the past 3-4 months.
* When Sathyan told about the theft to the cook he just told ok.
* When we spoke to the cook next evening, we saw some artificial smile in his face. (May be our perception).
* We have been hearing lot of thefts in the last two weeks in our area.

One other option is a long thin handed person should have opened both the latches of the door while hanging on the windows. This as far as we could see is impossible.
So, we concluded the cook as the culprit.

"We should not have the same servant or stay in the same rented house or use the same credit cards for more than one year - You may be noted"

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